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The Principles of Love

A Deep and Unique Journey


This 3-session journey stems from the experiences and profound love for the human nature of my beloved teacher, Carlo Praful Saracino.

It's an exploration based on three essential principles - Belonging, Hierarchy, and Giving and Receiving - designed to guide you through a journey of awareness, allowing you to transition from "Blind Love" to "Conscious Love".

Conscious Love manifests when we learn to embrace these three Principles in our daily lives.


During the first session, we'll delve into consciousness, exploring beliefs, traditions, and thoughts that shape our morphogenetic field from birth, through the mother and father figures.


In developmental stages, guided by blind love, we start shaping our behavior to feel part of this consciousness, including every person, emotion, or behavior that might have been neglected, rejected, or excluded from the system.


Thanks to mature love, we can reach the awareness that sacrificing our well-being or best interests is not necessary to feel part of something. The awareness of belonging independently from everything else begins to emerge.


Reconnecting with our place, restoring natural order through hierarchy, and rebalancing giving and receiving give us the freedom to follow our unique way of being.


This profound exploration of the Principles of Love offers valuable insights, becoming a guide to resolving both internal and external conflicts in our daily lives.

Fill Out the Registration Form Here

Experience the Principles of Love


In this course, you will immerse yourself in a journey of exploration and learning, discovering the secrets of the Principles of Love and learning how to apply them in your daily life. Each module will be a deep dive into an essential aspect of awareness, providing you with practical tools and awareness to address personal and relational challenges.




In the first session, we will delve into the principle of belonging, exploring how our beliefs, traditions, and ingrained ideas influence us. You will discover how blind love often drives us to behave in ways that distance us from our authenticity. Through practical exercises and guided reflections, you will learn to reconnect with belonging without losing yourself.




The second session will lead us into exploring the principle of hierarchy. We will discover how to restore a natural order in relationships, recognizing and honoring each individual's unique role. You will learn how awareness of hierarchy can lead to more balanced relationships, freeing you from the need to sacrifice to belong.


Giving and Receiving


In the third session, we will focus on the principle of giving and receiving. We will explore how balancing this energy flow can lead to greater harmony in relationships and daily life. You will learn to recognize your patterns of giving and receiving and open spaces for conscious and nurturing reciprocity.


Results of the Principles of Love


Participating in "The Principles of Love" will offer you increased awareness of behavioral patterns rooted in your relationships and life. You will be able to apply these Principles to resolve conflicts, improve your connection with yourself and others, and live a more conscious and mature love.


Prepare to Transform Your Life


This course is not just a learning opportunity but a transformational experience. You will be guided through practical exercises, meditations, and discussions to help you integrate the Principles of Love into your daily life. Prepare to discover new horizons of awareness and transform your relationship with yourself and others. Be ready to live a life richer in conscious love.


I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery and awareness, where each of us contributes to the richness of the experience with our unique life baggage. I hope you can draw inspiration and transformation from this journey, bringing greater awareness and love into your daily life.




I believe that access to support and well-being should be possible for everyone. If your current financial situation does not allow you to afford these prices at the moment, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to find a solution that suits your needs.

Fill Out the Registration Form Here

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