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Shine in Life

Does life hold meaning if we're not illuminating it with the brightness of our unique, precious, powerful, and passionate being?

Tantra & Sensuality

Embarking on the path of Tantra is a transformative journey, a sacred exploration of our innermost nature. It's a quest for self-discovery, reconnecting with the wisdom of our bodies and finding relaxation in our breath. Tantra is a celebration of life's pleasures, an intimate connection with our hearts, and an authentic engagement with others. It's about reclaiming our vitality, energy, and true power to shine in our authentic selves.


In Tantra, every nuance of our being is experienced, igniting the flame within. It's a deep, intimate discovery—a journey through the layers of energy that reside within us. Tantra is a form of meditation, a profound way to connect with ourselves and others, elevating human experience while keeping us grounded in the present moment.


This spiritual path encourages surrendering to our true nature, opening our hearts to sensuality, and embracing pleasure throughout our entire being. It's about understanding our nature, body, emotions, and listening to the messages our bodies convey. Tantra explores polarities, playing with the energies of giving and receiving, flowing with the diverse energies within us.


Tantra holds the potential for immense happiness, guiding us to the highest levels of our human experience. It's a meditation, connecting us to our own sexual energy, opening our hearts to pure love for ourselves, others, and the wholeness through full acceptance.


In a world often inclined to separate spirituality from sexuality, Tantra joyfully reunites them. It transcends the false dichotomy, inviting us to experience freedom, beauty, purity, and joy through our senses. This is a journey for adventurous hearts, courageous beings—an erotic exploration of the unknown.


Tantra expands our vision toward personal and spiritual growth, celebrating the senses as a pathway to divine understanding. It teaches us that nothing exists that is not divine—everything is interconnected and a manifestation of divine energy. The dance of Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine archetypes, represents the never-ending cycle of balance found in nature. Tantra is a tool to expand consciousness, experience unity, and ultimately liberate ourselves.


Everything has a divine nature. So do we. In Tantra, everything becomes a form of meditation—a practical method rooted in experiencing devotion toward life and rituals that connect us with the magic in every little detail. It is a celebration of the gifts of existence.


Through Tantra, even our sexual energy becomes a vehicle for spiritual growth. The physical body is revered as a sacred temple, and lovemaking is seen as a tool to transcend the physical and reach a blissful state. Every aspect of life, from working to eating, dancing to lovemaking, becomes a contemplation of the nature of existence.


Tantra invites us to experience our divine nature directly, involving our bodies, senses, and emotions. Everything is considered divine, and even our sexual energy serves a deeper purpose, becoming an instrument for spiritual growth.

“What you really long for is a deep intimacy with your own experience—the deepest acceptance of every thought, every sensation,

every feeling. And that cannot come from outside of yourself.

Jeff Foster

“We do not dance to reach a certain point on the floor, but simply to dance."

Alan Watts

“Tantra teaches reverence for the body, love, respect for the body, gratitude for the body. The body is marvelous, it is the greatest of mysteries.


Tantra trusts in your body. Tantra trusts in your senses. Tantra trusts in your energy. Tantra trusts in you – in toto. Tantra does not deny anything but transforms everything."



Being a Woman

Embarking on the journey of womanhood is a profound and evolving experience. My realization began at a young age when I found myself uncomfortable in my own body, struggling to connect with its feminine essence. The mirror reflected a sense of inadequacy, and my shyness only amplified this discomfort.


Despite my inner playfulness and vitality, insecurity clouded my being. School days were marked by painful encounters with more popular girls who ridiculed and pointed fingers, leaving me feeling alone and different. The struggle to belong, feel safe, and be comfortable in my body was accompanied by emotional confusion. I yearned to fit in with girls while feeling different and unwelcome, and I also sought to connect with boys without knowing how. Although I now recognize these challenges as part of growing up, the pain was real, and I felt something was missing, making it unacceptable to be me.


Early on, I became disconnected from my body, emotions, and feelings. Wearing a mask of independence, I aimed to be self-sufficient and successful, escaping into a world where supporting others became my refuge. Validation from boys, later men, became a coping mechanism, overshadowing my true self.


I found a semblance of comfort (though it was illusory) when I assumed the roles of a helper and therapist, establishing my own clinic, which became the largest in town and consumed my entire world. Engulfed in constant activity, always in a state of doing to support others, I could easily avoid my own feelings. I had to do in order to be loved. I had to perform in order to be loved. I had to be sensual in order to be loved. The image I projected became more important than my inner being, creating a profound split within me. My true nature, my essence, echoed only faintly in the background.

I constructed a superficial mask that hindered deep connections with myself and others. Being seen in a certain way overshadowed the genuine contents of my heart.


I had to confront the pain of feeling different, the discomfort of not being liked, and the ugliness of my emotions. Diving into my shadow, facing anger, rage, and the monster in me, I encountered fear and numerous wounds—fear of not belonging, being rejected, never being enough, being nothing, going crazy, and not being seen, heard, or understood. Shame permeated my body and every aspect of my being, layered with a bittersweet sadness and numbing illusions. The realization of my disconnection, both with myself and others, was profoundly painful.


My journey involved reconnecting with my body and its inner wisdom. Discovering that I am okay as I am brought immense joy. My essence is both innocent and playful, delicate yet strong, powerful, assertive, intense, and passionate. It's an ongoing adventure, a beautiful, messy path of putting back together the pieces of the puzzle.


These years have been a significant workshop for me, emphasizing the importance of connecting with other women in a healthy way. This connection allows me to relax into myself, my body, and the feminine essence. I can immerse myself in the beauty of nature and sense a profound connection to this planet, embodying my womanhood. I embrace the essence of being a powerful, strong, creative, and passionate Woman, inhabiting a curvy female body. I learned that I don't have to do anything to be loved, especially by a man. Every day is a surrender into the feminine flow of Life. I am everything already—the entire universe is within me. I am worthy of love, as I am. I belong, as I am.


My purpose is to share with other Women the beauty of our Nature. To help them feel comfortable in their bodies, to relax, and enjoy being alive without the need to perform for others or to ask permission for it. This journey involves facing our shadows, courageously confronting what we carry inside, and bringing light into the darkness. Letting go of what no longer serves us and shedding layers of personality structures obstructing our true expression is essential.


I'm here to work with Women, to play with them, and to uncover the beauty and uniqueness within. To create a space where they feel safe in their bodies, follow their intuition, and reclaim their importance. I want every Woman to walk on this planet feeling that they matter, that every gesture they make has value, and it is their birthright to shine bright and spread their colors, essence, beauty, and uniqueness. I aim to help them relate healthily, authentically, and maturely with men and the entire world.


I’m here to dance with women, exploring our capacity to feel, receive, and give pleasure in every moment of Life. To rejoice in the abundance that Life holds for us.


I eagerly anticipate going through this transformative journey with you.


“Find ecstasy within yourself.

It is not out there.

It is in your innermost flowering.

The one you are looking for is you.


“It’s not about weight or size or fat—weight is a measure of gravity and nothing else—it’s about living joyfully inside your body, as it is, today.

Emily Nagoski

“Never apologize for being

a powerful and unique Woman


“Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.”

Maya Angelou

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“Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something inside

to be realized.


“If you are embarking on the regular practice of mindfulness, it is good for you to know that you are on the threshold of a fundamental change in your life, something that is subtle and, at the same time, holds decisive and enormous potential."

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness & Meditation

Meditation, to me, is not merely a method or technique; it is a path of profound courage. It invites us to explore the depths of our vulnerabilities, sensitivities, and the raw essence of our being. It's an intimate journey where I give myself the permission to be vulnerably present in each moment. In embracing the wholeness of my being, even when it seems imperfect or tangled, I discover the true beauty within. It's not about seeking a different self but surrendering to who I authentically am.


Meditation is a symphony of self-discovery, where I realize that everything I sought in others – that missing piece, that exquisite love, that deep understanding – already resides within me. The world around me becomes a divine reminder of this intrinsic truth. It's about peeling away the layers to uncover the innate wisdom, the unconditional love, and the divine presence within and around me.


Courage becomes my companion in meditation, urging me to stay present with every facet of this moment. It's the willingness to embrace discomfort, acknowledge pain, and confront the array of emotions and thoughts. In these moments, courage is not just a virtue, it is a profound act of self-love. Meditation is learning to trust the inner guidance, to understand the language of energy, and to honor the truth that resides within.


Meditation is an inner journey that aligns the various facets of my being – body perceptions, emotions, thoughts, words, and actions. It's a transformative path that unveils the essence of who I already am. Through meditation, I evolve not into someone new but into a fuller expression of my authentic self.


For me, meditation is about being fully alive, cultivating gratitude, and nurturing love in my heart for all expressions of life. It's about maintaining a deep connection to myself even in the midst of life's storms. Through meditation, I observe the flow of emotions, thoughts, and external events without losing touch with what truly is.


Meditation is not a destination, it's an ongoing journey into presence and awareness. It's a sacred communion with the innate, innocent wisdom that resides within us. It's a process of remembering and reconnecting to the essence of who we truly are. Each meditation is a step, a breath, a moment, bringing us closer to the core of our authentic existence.

Leader of the Future

& Leader of Yourself

Being a leader extends far beyond the confines of the workplace; it permeates every facet of our lives. It is a profound journey of self-discovery and continuous growth that involves cultivating meaningful connections, not only with our professional peers but also with ourselves and the world around us.


True leadership is a dynamic and holistic practice that requires a commitment to embracing a loving and respectful approach. To excel as leaders, we must embark on the journey of becoming our best selves, constantly refining our skills, mastering the art of healthy communication, and fostering a deep understanding of both our own intricacies and the complexities of those we lead.


A crucial aspect of successful leadership is the integration of both the light and shadow aspects within ourselves. It calls for the acknowledgment and acceptance of the full spectrum of our humanity, recognizing that our strengths and vulnerabilities coexist and contribute to the richness of our leadership journey.


The ability to navigate the intricate dance between the visible and concealed aspects of our personalities is what sets exceptional leaders apart. By being grounded and present in all dimensions of our lives, we cultivate authenticity and create environments where others feel empowered to do the same.


Moreover, authentic leadership involves embodying true power and strength. It goes beyond the conventional notions of authority and control, emphasizing a leadership style that is rooted in integrity, compassion, and a genuine desire to uplift others.


In essence, being a leader is an ongoing commitment to personal and collective evolution. It is about finding the delicate balance between the demands of leadership and the call to nourish our well-being. Through this harmonious integration, we not only inspire positive change within ourselves but also ripple that transformation into the world, leaving an indelible mark on the lives we touch.


“A hero is one who heals

their own wounds

and then shows others

how to do the same.

Yung Pueblo

“If you want the cooperation of humans around you, you must make them feel they are important – and you do that by being genuine and humble.

Nelson Mandela

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