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Relating Consciously Retreat

Family Constellations work aims to heal our roots to elevate us in life. The intention is to uncover the truth behind any discomfort (anxiety, guilt, insecurities, illnesses, relationship problems) to bring it to light, acknowledge it, and find a resolution. It is particularly effective in addressing systemic issues, such as problems related to the family of origin, difficulties in parent-child relationships, and challenges in intimate relationships.


It can be used as a potential therapeutic method for individuals who:


  • Seek to address negative or harmful relationship patterns.

  • Desire a romantic relationship.

  • Aim to unravel family entanglements.

  • Want to overcome inner disturbances.

  • Have experienced trauma or significant losses.

  • Are in pursuit of personal and professional success.


In this 3-day retreat, you will explore:


  • What we bring from the Family of Origin that hinders us from freely walking our path.

  • What we continue to repeat from the Family of Origin that no longer belongs to us or serves us.

  • How to find our place in the Family of Origin to find our place in the world.

  • What keeps us away from awareness in relationships.

  • What prevents us from fully living our lives.


What to Expect:


This retreat is a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of your existence through the Systemic Work of Family Constellations. Over these three intensive days, you will be guided on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Each day is structured to delve into different aspects of your life, providing practical tools and awareness to address relational challenges, recurring patterns, and inner blocks.

Fill Out the Registration Form Here

The Journey of Exploration:


We will begin our journey by exploring what we bring from the Family of Origin. Each family member contributes to shaping who we are today, and understanding this contribution can reveal crucial keys for your future path. You will discover subtle dynamics influencing your relationships, choices, and worldview.


Next, we will examine what we continue to repeat from the Family of Origin. Often, without being aware, we replicate patterns and behaviors that no longer belong to us or limit us in the present. By shedding light on these dynamics, you will be able to free yourself from outdated patterns and embrace new possibilities.


The heart of the retreat will be dedicated to exploring how to find our place in the Family of Origin and, consequently, in the world. This process involves identifying your authentic role, understanding your roots, and opening up to a deeper connection with yourself and others.


We will also address the challenges that keep us away from awareness in relationships. Together, we will identify those inner blocks that hinder conscious connection and communication. Through practical exercises and group support, you will work to overcome these challenges and create spaces of understanding and love.


Finally, we will explore what prevents us from fully living our lives. We will confront fears, self-imposed limits, and obstacles that hinder your authentic expression. With the support of the group and expert guidance, you will be encouraged to break free from what holds you back and embrace a fuller, more authentic life.


Tools and Approaches:


The retreat will be enriched by a variety of tools and approaches, including Family Constellations sessions, guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, reflective dialogues, and more. Each tool is carefully chosen to integrate into the exploration journey, offering you a comprehensive and meaningful experience.


Be ready for an experience that goes beyond the surface, exploring the roots of your being and providing valuable keys for a more conscious and fulfilling life. Immerse yourself in this retreat with openness and curiosity, allowing yourself to be guided on a journey of transformation and self-discovery.


Upcoming Dates:

October 18-20 - Mallorca



300€ (excluding meals and accommodation at Dima Mallorca, a beautiful 300-year-old farmhouse that will welcome us in a truly unique way - the food is wonderful!!)

I believe that access to support and well-being should be possible for everyone. If your current financial situation does not allow you to afford these prices at the moment, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to find a solution that suits your needs.

Fill Out the Registration Form Here

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