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About Me

I see myself as a passionate, enthusiastic, alive, grounded woman. I love life in all its aspects and Spirit in all its nuances. I am a curious seeker, exploring the meaning of this human spiritual experience.


Being an optimistic spirit has both supported and challenged me. It's easy for me to see the beauty and harmony in life, transforming even challenging events into valuable lessons. However, it's also a profound task for me to learn to stay in the discomfort of life, acknowledging the dark side of situations and people, exploring my shadow, and embracing it. Part of my inner work involves taking off the rose-colored glasses to feel the beauty in the dance of light and shadow together.


From childhood, I've been a helper, always wanting to support others—friends, family, and even strangers. Naturally finding myself in helping or leading roles, I began my professional journey in the medical field, driven by a curiosity about how our bodies function. This also because, from a young age, I felt a sense of discomfort in my own body, and I sought a way to comprehend it and somehow to fix it. This curiosity led me to explore alternative medicines, from traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture to Ayurveda and the power of plant medicine and herbalism. Eventually, my exploration extended to psyche, emotions, and the spiritual path, with a significant part of my journey involving Family Constellations and Systemic Work. Sitting on that facilitator chair felt like finding my place in the world, opening doors to new possibilities and shaping the path to where I am now. I want to express deep gratitude to my mentor, Carlo Praful Saracino, for playing a pivotal role in transmitting passion, love, simplicity, and humbleness in this work, with utmost respect for human nature and all its shades.


Working with people is a true passion for me. As I assist others, I continue my personal path of growth, seeking truth within myself and in the life surrounding me.


The more I grow as an individual, the stronger my desire to connect in a more healthy way with others, both in my private life and in the various workplaces I have the pleasure to experience. Studying different types of Counseling and Somatic Experiencing (trauma work) has allowed me to understand human behaviors, patterns, and responses, unraveling the reasons behind how we relate. Relating and intimacy are vital parts of our spiritual path, providing mirrors of what we carry inside from our ancestors and childhood experiences. This aspect is crucial in how I work with people.


I don't want to fix you.

I don't want to give you answers.

I don't want to impress you.

I don't even want you to change.

I only want to meet you,

exactly as you are,

beyond your stories,

your hopes and dreams,

your games, your masks,

here and now.

If you feel confused,

feel confused now.

If you feel frightened,

feel frightened now.

If you are bored,

let's get bored together!

If you are burning with anger,

let's burn together awhile

and see what happens.

I want to meet what's really here.

Perhaps then,

great change is possible."

Jeff Foster


My Tools

  • Systemic Counseling & Family Constellations

  • Somatic Experiencing & Work on Developmental Trauma

  • Relational Counseling

  • Essence Counseling

  • Tantra & Sensuality

  • Mindfulness & Meditation

  • Enneagram

  • Passion, Enthusiasm, Playfulness, Spontaneity, Professionalism, Love for Personal Growth

My journey has involved numerous workshops, retreats, and training sessions to learn about myself, understand how I function, and rewrite traumas and experiences, the ego structure, and the shadow. These efforts aim to reveal the truth of who I am, connecting with my inner beauty, strength, and power.


In recent years, an essential part of my life is where I've chosen to live—Mallorca, in Dima, a Mystery School. Here, with a group of friends, we've committed to a path of spiritual growth, supporting each other, mirroring each other in our light and shadow, unlearning what we think we are, to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. I also want to mention another teacher, Jennifer Millar, and the incredible tool she gifted us—Cellular Transformation. This tool helps us learn the language of energy, sense our deepest longings, voice our inner calling, ignite our inner fire, and shine bright in our uniqueness, with the support of Spirit in every step we take.


I also want to mention Rupda, a teacher and friend for many years, who has always placed trust in me, providing numerous tools and the necessary space to grow both as an individual and as a group facilitator. Thanks to her, I am part of the international team of Deepdive, a significant and profound retreat for inner growth.


The journey doesn't end. I'm still working on myself. Working on myself is the lifestyle I've chosen, and what I bring into the world is this everlasting journey—a love affair with the unknown, like an eternal dance of love.


I'm here with my innocent wisdom and a zest for fully embracing this life, a grounded welcoming container, to hold and support the journey of other human beings. It is a deep honor for me to walk beside those willing to see the truth, face obstacles, transform what's needed, shed old burdens, and become a better version of themselves.


I deeply honor growing alongside other human beings, walking hand in hand. Together, I believe we can make a change, creating a better world to live, grow, and shine, ensuring a healthier life on this beautiful planet Earth to the next generations too.


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